
Rights and Obligations of Landlords and Tenants in Turkey

Rights and Obligations of Landlords and Tenants in Turkey

It is important to clarify the rights of landlords and tenants in order to avoid problems that may arise during the rental process. The rights of landlords and tenants in Turkey are protected by the Turkish Code of Obligations No. 6098. According to this law, tenants have responsibilities to the landlord other than paying the rent. Likewise, the landlord has responsibilities to the tenant.

• The landlord does not have the right to evict the tenant within the period specified in the rental agreement. If the landlord does not send a warning to the tenant one month before the rental period specified in the contract, the contract is automatically renewed and the lease becomes an indefinite contract.
• If individuals from the landlord’s descendants or descendants live in the said house, the current tenant can be evicted regardless of the contract.
• If the tenant cannot get efficiency from the house, that is, if there are problems that will reduce the quality of life, he can leave the house and terminate the rent, regardless of the contract.
• The landlord has the right to terminate the contract if the rent is not paid. However, she may request the payment of this fee within 30 days by sending a warning notice.
• In the flat in question, the tenant may ask the landlord to make renovations to the house. Renovation of the house is the responsibility of the landlord. The landlord can make the renovation directly, or he can ask the tenant to make it and pay it by deducting the rent.
• If there is no need to hurry to correct the defects of the house, a rent reduction can be requested from the landlord.
• The tenant has the right to rent the property (house or workplace) in question to another person. It can be transferred partially or completely, provided that it does not damage the property.
• It is the landlord’s responsibility to renovate essential parts of the property and fixtures out of use. However, if the tenant wants to change them according to his taste, the tenant is responsible for the fee that will arise.
• The landlord can sell the house to someone else, provided that he informs the tenant in advance. If the house is sold, the landlord can send the tenant out of the house within six months by sending a warning.
• The landlord has the right to receive the property as given, except for the deterioration that occurs over time. The tenant may ask the landlord to undo the modifications and changes made without permission.
• The landlord pays for the property, such as insurance and taxes.
• If there are rents that are not paid on time, the landlord’s request for additional fees in later periods is not accepted.
• The landlord has the right to request a deposit of 3 rentals from the tenant. If it is determined that the tenant has damaged the house while leaving the house at the end of the contract, this deposit is used to compensate the damages and is not returned to the tenant. However, if there is no damage, the tenant has the right to get their deposit back.

SakoLife is at your side in observing the rights of both parties.

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