إشعارات قانونية

إشعارات قانونية

The information contained in this site is for informational purposes only. sakolife.com is managed by SakoLife Real Estate. On this page, you can find the legal notice and disclaimer of SakoLife Real Estate.

Website Content of SakoLife Real Estate

The content of sakolife.com consists of properties for sale, the contents of properties, prices, photos, customer opinion videos and texts, articles on buying real estate and news about the real estate industry.

Warnings to Website Users

  • Even though the information published on our website has been prepared with goodwill in mind; There may be differences in the information announced due to the seller’s change of mind, price update, typographical error or misinformation by third parties / institutions. The information published on our website is not a binding promise in any contract.
  • The announced real estate prices are the prices announced by the seller and do not represent the actual sales price. The seller is free to sell at the price he deems appropriate. If there is no written contract, SakoLife Real Estate reserves the right to change the price without informing it.
  • The real estate information entered in our real estate advertisements cannot be binding on any sales contract. Confirm the information written on our site among the terms of sale from the property owner and get a written commitment from the property owner. Our company is not responsible for the property owner not keeping his word.

If you believe that the property on our site belongs to you and is sold without your knowledge, please contact us via the contact form.

Legal Notice and Disclaimer

SakoLife Real Estate strives to ensure that the information on its website is accurate, up-to-date and complete. However, the information on the site may become out of date over time. SakoLife Real Estate does not undertake or guarantee that the information on this website is correct, up-to-date or complete.

SakoLife Real Estate reserves the right to partially or completely change, delete or temporarily remove the content with or without prior notice. Therefore, it accepts no liability for any damage or loss resulting from misuse or technical errors, or related to the use of the generally published information.

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We take all precautions to protect the website from viruses, but we do not represent or warrant that any information, software or other materials accessible from the web pages are free from viruses, worms, Trojan horses or other harmful components.

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You should take all necessary precautions against viruses before accessing the website, its contents and the underlying software or related software.

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SakoLife Real Estate logs statistical information to further improve the site against browsers, operating systems and security sites. This information is not distributed to third parties. All information collected via e-mail will be kept strictly confidential and will not be sold or shared with any other party.

However, our website contains links to third party websites. If you use these links, you will leave our site. These links are provided for information and convenience only, and the linked websites are solely their own responsibility. SakoLife Real Estate does not control the content of any linked website and assumes no responsibility for its content. When you access an external website, remember that SakoLife Real Estate has no control over its content.


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The user is obliged to use the content of the site carefully, correctly and legally and to pay attention to these warnings;

  • The use of content or parts of content on the SakoLife Real Estate website for any purpose is prohibited.
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SakoLife Real Estate © 2022 – All rights reserved. Reproduction, translation, storage or processing of the information on the site is subject to the prior written consent of SakoLife Real Estate .

Legal Notice Address

Legal warning addresses of sakolife.com and domains of SakoLife Real Estate in other languages are as follows;

Address: test address test address
Office phone: 0 000 000 00 00
البريد الإلكتروني: info@sakolife.com

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If you believe there is content on our website that bothers you, please contact us using our contact form or the information above.


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